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(Webdesign by Gopher)
The website at is maintained as a Gopher directory and
served as HTML through the HTTP gateway of a gopher server.* Thus the
structure of these pages is derived from the Gopher protocol, and their
design follows the default settings of the browser you are using.
-> article about Gopher on Wikipedia
-> web page of the mgod gopher server by Mate Nagy
The fonts used in page titles are "ANSI Shadow" and "Calvin S". They
originate from an old DOS application called "TheDraw" and were thankfully
conserved by Patrick Gillespie.
-> TheDraw’s Lost ANSI Art Fonts
-> Interactive demo of these and other ASCII-art fonts
The favicon of this website shows random noise. It is regenerated in
regular intervals using the Imagemagick command:
convert -size 16x16 xc:black +noise Random -monochrome favicon.ico
-> current favicon
* Strictly speaking, the "httpgate" of the server "mgod" used here differs
from the original in one single line of code. This change causes the page
title to appear as "Carlos Franke:" instead of "Gopher:". To comply with the
GPL, here the modified source code:
modified mgod code
mgod httpgate