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(Cash flow / "Wohlstand", lit. prosperity, wealth. Installation and durational performance)

Meditation for minimum wage.

I pretend to work. You pretend to be paying me. Would you like to play along?

A legitimate-looking coin machine in public space. A person acting, and
non-acting, governed by that machine and thus by the audience of
passersby: Inserting coins sets the Standing Pillar in motion.

How does money shape public spaces? What is it that connects labour, money
and (free) time? In order to work and consume in an ideal manner, would we
have to be as dispassionate and permeable towards money as someone
meditating is towards external stimuli?

Developed with Julia Żabowska.

[] near the Euro monument in Frankfurt
(photo: Julia Żabowska)
[] the non-action on Paulsplatz in Frankfurt
(photo: Juliane Kutter)
[] …on Königsplatz in Kassel
(photo: Katja Hergenhahn)
[] …in a Sparkasse bank in Marburg
(photo: Katja Hergenhahn)
[] close-up of the machine
(photo: Julia Żabowska)


28.4.2016, premiere, Festival der jungen Talente, Frankfurter Kunstverein
29.4.2016, Festival der jungen Talente, Frankfurter Kunstverein
30.4.2016, Festival der jungen Talente, Frankfurter Kunstverein
1.5.2016, Festival der jungen Talente, Frankfurter Kunstverein
2.6.2016, Gießen, Löwengasse
4.6.2016, Gießen, Marktplatz
24.6.2017, Ludwigsplatz/Georg-Büchner-Platz Darmstadt (Staatstheater
   Darmstadt, Hessische Theatertage)
29.9.2017, Kassel, Kulturhaus Dock4 (MADE-Festival)
30.9.2017, Kassel, Königsplatz (MADE-Festival)
28.10.2017, Schlitz, Landesmusikakademie Hessen (MADE-Festival)
3.11.2017, Marburg, Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf (MADE-Festival)
3.11.2017, Marburg, MADE-Festivalzentrum 
8.+9.9.2018, Gießen, Unterer Hardthof (ARThof 9)
-> ARThof 9

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