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(Es ist gleich vorbei / "It will be over soon". Stage solo)
What do a monkey mask, a musical saw and skating have in common?
What's the connection between Audre Lorde and John Cage?
And speaking of, how do you organise your books? By size, really?
Carlos Franke attempts a quite personal approach of organisation; not just for
books, but for life itself.
[] Book look
(photo: Damian Obara)
[] Silence
[] Diagrams
[] Mask
[] Skates
[] Saw
(photos: Nargess Behrouzian)
Rough Proposals" festival and "Hessische Theatertage", Gießen, July 4 and 5,
2024 (english/german). Back then under the original title "Dates of Expiry".
-> Rough Proposals 2024
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