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(For the fish. Durational performance and concert)

It was decided that the innocent beings residing in the basement ought not
to be ignored. Out of sincere respect for the fish, there will be
a concert for them exclusively. But first, they need to be educated about
what's going on, and integrated into the festival's culture.

Human visitors are invited to witness this expertly planned expedition.
The ultimate goal: To establish communication.

-> fish to fish
(photo: Heiner Goebbels)
[] concert from the right
(photo: Ulrike Seilacher)
[] texts and face
(photo: Ulrike Seilacher)
[] concert from the left
(photo: Laura Schilling)


As "Serenade for the Fish" at the festival
-> Theatermaschine 2019
May 31 and June 1, 2019, at 9:30pm
Lahnfenster Hessen, Bootshausstr. 8, Gießen

„L'envers du décor“, festival in the Palais de la Porte Dorée, Paris
Februar 2-4, 2018
-> announcement in the festival programme 

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