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(Tatütheata. Theatre group)

Up until 2010 I was collaborating and acting in the independant german theatre
group Tatütheata, which we had formed in 2007 on my initiative. Conception
and direction were realised collaboratively in this group. The
productions, for the most part, were stagings of theatre plays, with the
exception of "Träume", an adaptation of a radio play.

-> website of Tatuetheata



The unburied dead

Play by Jean-Paul Sartre. French partisans during the german occupation
during World War II are being held captive by collaborators of the Vichy
regime. They are questioned violently about the whereabouts of their
leader, who is hiding among them, unbeknown to their captors. My role:
Clochet, the torturer.

Performed in November 2010 in the Romanischer Keller in Heidelberg.

[] performance photo
(photo: Dierk Ole Johannsen)


The American Clock

Play by Arthur Miller. Scenes from the Time of the Great Depression of
the 20's and 30's in the USA, specifically the lives of the family Baum.
My roles: Grandfather, Dr. Rosman, Arthur Clayton and Ralph.

Performed in November 2009 in the Romanischer Keller in Heidelberg.

[] performance photo
(photo: Tatütheata)


Träume ("Dreams")

Series of radio plays by Günter Eich, adapted for stage by us.
Nightmarish. My Roles: Grandson (first dream), man (second dream) and
neighbour (third dream).

Performed in December 2008 in the Romanischer Keller, and also in the
Neuer Hörsaal" lecture hall of the university's physics department, in

[] performance photo
(photo: Tatütheata)


Der gestiefelte Kater ("Puss in Boots")

Play by Ludwig Tieck. Wonderous ignition of the Tatütheata fireworks,
overflowing of tomfoolery and earnestness. My roles: Poet, Gottlieb.

Performed in February 2008 in the Romanischer Keller in Heidelberg.

[] performance photo
(photo: Tatütheata)

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