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(Intersubjective knowledge in pastels / "Intersubjektive Erkenntnis in
Pastell". Stage piece)

Based on a readily rehearsed torture scene (from the last production of
Tatütheata, Sartre's "Morts sans sépulture"), Jasper Metzbaur, Dominique
Baur and I experimented on combining abstract, philosophical text,
which the undeniable corporeality of a stage situation can make appear
ridiculous all too easily, precisely with very intense, serious
corporeality: Pain. Cruelty. Scream.

Conversely the texts we chose, excerpts from Wittgensteins Philosophical
Investigations on the topics of pain, pain expression and knowledge of
other people's pain, connect to the physical goings-on by virtue of their
content. Accessories: A dictaphone, which through time reversal becomes
a dictator, and confetti.

Performed on June 2, 2012 in the frame of "97m überm Meer", "platform for
the independant theatre scene" in Mannheim, organised by zeitraumexit and


    „Über einen Mangel von Sinnesreizen konnte sich die Theatergruppe um
    Carlos Franke indes kaum beklagen. Ihre ‚Intersubjektive Erkenntnis in
    Pastell‘ näherte sich Wittgenstein und der Beziehung von Worten zu
    Empfindungen mit einer denkbar anschaulichen Versuchsanordnung:
    Folternd suchten sie nach verbalen Ausdrucksformen für Schmerz – ein
    gelungenes Experiment.“ (Mannheimer Morgen, 4. Juni 2012) 

    „Die den Text illustrierenden Folterdarstellungen wirkten so
    realistisch, dass man versucht war, einzugreifen.“ (Die Rheinpfalz,
    Nr. 128, 4. Juni 2012) 

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