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(Der goldene Hund ("The golden dog"). Stage solo.)

Of Tantalus it is told that he was rightfully punished for his greed by
eternal hunger and thirst. About how exactly he came to deserve this
punishment there are several stories. Let us investigate! Let us tell of
him whose "soul thirsts as if it were body" (Lucian). Let us tell also of
living with a robotic vacuum cleaner which is a gift of heaven. And of the
inability to talk about feelings.

Carlos Franke: Text, performance, stage design, light
Maren Küpper: Dramaturgy, stage design, light
Robert Läßig: Interaction design, light

Supported by Hessische Kulturstiftung (HKST).

[] golden rain
[] golden dance
[] golden seat
[] golden thing
[] golden exit
(photography: Talisa Frenschkowski)


-> Ortung, Schwabach biennial arts festival
August 13, 2023, 2pm and 4pm, Stadtmuseum Schwabach, Ausstellungshalle

-> „New Old Fiction“
May 12 and 13, 2023, 7:30pm, Frankfurt Lab

-> Festival "Für dich für dich für dich"
August 20, 2021, 7pm, TNT (Marburg)

POSTPONED due to the pandemic:
-> Festival "Für dich für dich für dich"
October 2020, TNT (Marburg)

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